Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FYI for the venomous villains collection

Incase you guys haven't noticed. The venomous villains collection is selling out super fast. I know the mac counter by my house is pretty much sold out of everything and the collection didn't even come out yet. Thats bc a lot of people, like myself, put things on hold. Also, the collection is selling out of items online super fast. It was released online last night or early this morning. So if there is something you definitely want i suggest calling your mac store/counter and asking them to hold the items you want OR ordering it online if it isin't already sold out.

Take care!


(i don't really know why all this text will be underlined it's really annoying but guess i'll have to deal with it)

So anyway! this past weekend i went to NYC for Kandee Johnson's glaminar. If you don't know who she is after this post you DEFINITELY need to go to youtube and watch her videos. She is the most amazing teacher and the sweetest person. I had the most amazing time at the Glaminar. I learned so much. I uploaded a few pictures i took at the glaminar.

The welcome sign yay :) i was so excited. When i was there i took both of her classes since it is her last year doing this. If you guys don't know what the glaminar is, it is basically a makeup seminar but super fun!

Some of the prizes... i didn't win any of THOSE goodies :/ but at least i won a makeup brush :)

Kandee <3> Kandee and i after the glaminar was over. I bought her a baby boucer and some bibs for her new cupcake on the way :) I was so excited to meet her in person! I had the best time (i can't say it enough haha)

Hope all of you are doing well
Stay happy and healthy :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MAC contest!!

This is a mac contest. In the picture above is the Holiday collection by mac. For my contest i will ONLY be giving away the nude lipglosses on the bottom.

-Must be a subscriber to my youtube channel
-Must be at least 18 years or older (or have parents permission)
-For United States and Canada only

Comment on the youtube video (as many times as you want). Do not send me a messege or comment on here for the contest. I will be using random.org to pick a winner. Good luck :)

Contest ends: October 31st 2010 at midnight eastern time.

If you have any questions send me a messege on youtube.

Monday, September 13, 2010

blog contest?

hey guys!

so i was thinking about doing a blog contest :) and i was wondering what you guys would be interested in winning... like product wise-- ex: NYX jumbo eye pencil

Leave me comments so i can start gathering thoughts.

The only way you will be able to win is be a subscriber to my youtube channel and bea subscriber to my blog.

Can't wait to see what you guys say :)

Monday, September 6, 2010


hey guys!!

so i wanted to do a quick update. I haven't been using my blog much recently but i woke up this morning and decided its about time. So from now on, ill be will posting swatches, reviews, and random stuff more frequently. I will also be doing blog contests on here that are seperate from my youtube channel.

with that being said, i hope you guys are staying happy and healthy :)